如何引用Article in press待刊论文、Advance online publication在线预行出版论文?

读者从 PubMed 数据库导出以下文章的书目,并选择以 APA 格式呈现,但不确定红色数字符串与”Advance online publication”代表的意义。

Li, Y. C., Lin, K. C., Chen, C. L., Yao, G., Chang, Y. J., Lee, Y. Y., Liu, C. T., & Chen, W. S. (2023). Three ways to improve arm function in the chronic phase after stroke by robotic priming combined with mirror therapy, arm training and movement-oriented therapy. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, S0003-9993(23)00150-8. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2023.02.015

我们从期刊出版社 Elsevier 官网及其 ScienceDirect 数据库确认,这是一篇待刊论文(Articles in press),已经被接受与同侪审查,已经有doi,但是尚未编入特定卷期与页码。https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/archives-of-physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation/articles-in-press




至于如何引用在线预行出版论文、待刊论文呢?以 APA 第7版为例,可参考国外大学与APA官方网站的指引。如下图所示,可于期刊名后面标示 Advance online publication,或者在作者名后面标示 (in press)。

1. The University of Queensland LibraryAPA 7th referencing style
除了列出文内引用与参考书目的实例,也提供书目管理软件EndNote建档字段的建议,可于 Article Number 字段输入 Advance online publication;可于 Year 字段输入 in press。


2. Royal Roads UniversityHow do I cite an article that has not yet been published or an advanced version that was published online?

3. APA官方网站


by Chih-Lo Chen
