IET决定将其所出版期刊自2021年起转为Gold Open Access并开放2013年以后的全文,同时其121种(请见表一)期刊书目与全文已经自IEEE Xplore数据库撤下(但IET Conference全文仍保留)。
IET选择与Wiley合作,但目前在Wiley平台上专属的IET Hub on Wiley仅能看到43种期刊(请见表二)。下方途径找寻:
- IET Hub on Wiley
- IET Digital Library:查找到所要文章,试著点击其doi是否有链接全文
- 其他电子期刊平台(请见表一)
至于IET 2013年以前的期刊全文未开放取用,敬请查找图书馆目录是否有收藏纸本期刊或有其他电子期刊平台,若皆无法查得,则请改以馆际合作方式付费取得。
IET期刊转为Gold OA后,投稿者投稿后被刊出时必须负担文章处理费(Article Publication Charges:APCs),敬请注意。
表一 IET期刊自IEEE Xplore数据库撤下书目与全文(请在台大域点击”链接”)
序号 | IET期刊 | IET Hub on Wiley链接(OA 2013- ) | 其他电子期刊平台 | 纸本期刊ISSN |
1 | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 1022-4653 |
2 | Communications Engineer | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 1479-8352 |
3 | Computer-Aided Engineering Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 0263-9327 | |
4 | Computing & Control Engineering Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 0956-3385 |
5 | Control & Automation | 尚未在平台上 | 0956-3385 | |
6 | Electronic Systems News | 尚未在平台上 | 0265-0096 | |
7 | Electronics | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 1754-1778 |
8 | Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 0954-0695 | |
9 | Electronics Education | 尚未在平台上 | 0957-2953 | |
10 | Electronics Letters | IET Hub on Wiley | 0013-5194 | |
11 | Electronics Systems and Software | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 1479-8336 |
12 | Energy Systems Integration | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | |
13 | Engineering Management Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 0960-7919 |
14 | Engineering Science and Education Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 0963-7346 | |
15 | IEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques | 尚未在平台上 | 0140-1335 | |
16 | IEE Journal on Electric Power Applications | 尚未在平台上 | 0140-1327 | |
17 | IEE Journal on Electronic Circuits and Systems | 尚未在平台上 | 0308-6984 | |
18 | IEE Journal on Microwaves, Optics and Acoustics | 尚未在平台上 | 0308-6976 | |
19 | IEE Journal on Solid-State and Electron Devices | 尚未在平台上 | 0308-6968 | |
20 | IEE Proceedings – Circuits, Devices and Systems | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 1350-2409 |
21 | IEE Proceedings – Communications | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2425 | |
22 | IEE Proceedings – Computers and Digital Techniques | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2387 | |
23 | IEE Proceedings – Control Theory and Applications | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2379 | |
24 | IEE Proceedings – Electric Power Applications | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2352 | |
25 | IEE Proceedings – Generation, Transmission and Distribution | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2360 | |
26 | IEE Proceedings – Information Security | 尚未在平台上 | 1747-0722 | |
27 | IEE Proceedings – Intelligent Transport Systems | 尚未在平台上 | 1748-0248 | |
28 | IEE Proceedings – Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2417 | |
29 | IEE Proceedings – Nanobiotechnology | 尚未在平台上 | 1478-1581 | |
30 | IEE Proceedings – Optoelectronics | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2433 | |
31 | IEE Proceedings – Radar, Sonar and Navigation | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2395 | |
32 | IEE Proceedings – Science, Measurement and Technology | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-2344 | |
33 | IEE Proceedings – Software | 尚未在平台上 | 1462-5970 | |
34 | IEE Proceedings – Software Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 1364-5080 | |
35 | IEE Proceedings – Systems Biology | 尚未在平台上 | 1741-2471 | |
36 | IEE Proceedings – Vision, Image and Signal Processing | 尚未在平台上 | 1350-245X | |
37 | IEE Proceedings A – Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-702X | |
38 | IEE Proceedings A – Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education – Reviews | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-702X | |
39 | IEE Proceedings A – Science, Measurement and Technology | 尚未在平台上 | 0960-7641 | |
40 | IEE Proceedings B – Electric Power Applications | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7038 | |
41 | IEE Proceedings C – Generation, Transmission and Distribution | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7046 | |
42 | IEE Proceedings D – Control Theory and Applications | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7054 | |
43 | IEE Proceedings E – Computers and Digital Techniques | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7062 | |
44 | IEE Proceedings F – Communications, Radar and Signal Processing | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7070 | |
45 | IEE Proceedings F – Radar and Signal Processing | 尚未在平台上 | 0956-375X | |
46 | IEE Proceedings G – Circuits, Devices and Systems | 尚未在平台上 | 0956-3768 | |
47 | IEE Proceedings G – Electronic Circuits and Systems | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7089 | |
48 | IEE Proceedings H – Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation | 尚未在平台上 | 0950-107X | |
49 | IEE Proceedings H – Microwaves, Optics and Antennas | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7097 | |
50 | IEE Proceedings I – Communications, Speech and Vision | 尚未在平台上 | 0956-3776 | |
51 | IEE Proceedings I – Solid-State and Electron Devices | 尚未在平台上 | 0143-7100 | |
52 | IEE Proceedings J – Optoelectronics | 尚未在平台上 | 0267-3932 | |
53 | IEE-IERE Proceedings – India | 尚未在平台上 | 0018-9146 | |
54 | IET Biometrics | IET Hub on Wiley | 2047-4938 | |
55 | IET Circuits, Devices & Systems | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-858X | |
56 | IET Communications | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8628 | |
57 | IET Computer Vision | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-9632 | |
58 | IET Computers & Digital Techniques | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8601 | |
59 | IET Control Theory & Applications | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8644 | |
60 | IET Electric Power Applications | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8660 | |
61 | IET Electrical Systems in Transportation | IET Hub on Wiley | 2042-9738 | |
62 | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8687 | |
63 | IET Image Processing | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-9659 | |
64 | IET Information Security | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8709 | |
65 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-956X | |
66 | IET Manufacturing | 尚未在平台上 | 1754-1794 | |
67 | IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8725 | |
68 | IET Nanobiotechnology | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8741 | |
69 | IET Nanodielectrics | IET Hub on Wiley | ||
70 | IET Networks | IET Hub on Wiley | 2047-4954 | |
71 | IET Optoelectronics | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8768 | |
72 | IET Power Electronics | IET Hub on Wiley | 1755-4535 | |
73 | IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8784 | |
74 | IET Renewable Power Generation | IET Hub on Wiley | 1752-1416 | |
75 | IET Science, Measurement & Technology | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8822 | |
76 | IET Signal Processing | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-9675 | |
77 | IET Software | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8806 | |
78 | IET Synthetic Biology | 尚未在平台上 | 1752-1394 | |
79 | IET Systems Biology | IET Hub on Wiley | 1751-8849 | |
80 | IET Wireless Sensor Systems | IET Hub on Wiley | 2043-6386 | |
81 | Institution of Electrical Engineers – Proceedings of the Wireless Section of the Institution | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-2613 | |
82 | Institution of Production Engineers Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 2053-7867 | |
83 | Intelligent Systems Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0963-9640 | |
84 | Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0538-0022 | |
85 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0368-2692 | |
86 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part I: General | 尚未在平台上 | 0367-7559 | |
87 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part II: Power Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0367-7567 | |
88 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part IIA: Automatic Regulators and Servo Mechanisms | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5523 | |
89 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part III: Communication Engineering, including the Proceedings of the Wireless Section of the Institution | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-2605 | |
90 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part III: Radio and Communication Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0367-7540 | |
91 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part IIIA: Radiocommunication | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5493 | |
92 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers – Part IIIA: Radiolocation | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5485 | |
93 | Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0267-1689 | |
94 | Journal of the Institution of Production Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0368-2757 | |
95 | Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-2621 | |
96 | Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-263X | |
97 | Journal of the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5477 | |
98 | Manufacturing Engineer | 尚未在平台上 | 链接 | 0956-9944 |
99 | Micro & Nano Letters | IET Hub on Wiley | 1750-0443 | |
100 | Proceedings of the British Institution of Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-2664 | |
101 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part A: Power Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8882 | |
102 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part B: Electronic and Communication Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8890 | |
103 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part B: Radio and Electronic Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-2656 | |
104 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part C: Monographs | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8904 | |
105 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part I: General | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8920 | |
106 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part IA: Electric Railway Traction | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5515 | |
107 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part II: Power Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8939 | |
108 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part IIA: Insulating Materials | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5531 | |
109 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part III: Radio and Communication Engineering | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8947 | |
110 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part IIIA: Television | 尚未在平台上 | 2050-5507 | |
111 | Proceedings of the IEE – Part IV: Institution Monographs | 尚未在平台上 | 0369-8912 | |
112 | Proceedings of the Indian Division of the British Institution of Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 2278-7224 | |
113 | Proceedings of the Indian Division of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0374-3977 | |
114 | Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0020-3270 | |
115 | Proceedings of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers | 尚未在平台上 | 0538-0014 | |
116 | Production Engineer | 尚未在平台上 | 0032-9851 | |
117 | Radio and Electronic Engineer | 尚未在平台上 | 0033-7722 | |
118 | Software & Microsystems | 尚未在平台上 | 0261-3182 | |
119 | Software Engineering Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 0268-6961 | |
120 | Students’ Quarterly Journal | 尚未在平台上 | 0039-2871 | |
121 | Wiring Installations and Supplies | 尚未在平台上 | 0308-8650 |
表二 IET Hub on Wiley期刊(2021/1/22)
序号 | IET Hub on Wiley期刊 |
1 | Biosurface and Biotribology |
2 | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology |
3 | Cognitive Computation and Systems |
4 | Electronics Letters |
5 | Energy Conversion and Economics |
6 | Engineering Biology |
7 | Healthcare Technology Letters |
8 | High Voltage |
9 | IET Biometrics |
10 | IET Blockchain |
11 | IET Circuits, Devices & Systems |
12 | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing |
13 | IET Communications |
14 | IET Computer Vision |
15 | IET Computers & Digital Techniques |
16 | IET Control Theory & Applications |
17 | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications |
18 | IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics |
19 | IET Electric Power Applications |
20 | IET Electrical Systems in Transportation |
21 | IET Energy Systems Integration |
22 | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution |
23 | IET Image Processing |
24 | IET Information Security |
25 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems |
26 | IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation |
27 | IET Nanobiotechnology |
28 | IET Nanodielectrics |
29 | IET Networks |
30 | IET Optoelectronics |
31 | IET Power Electronics |
32 | IET Quantum Communication |
33 | IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation |
34 | IET Renewable Power Generation |
35 | IET Science, Measurement & Technology |
36 | IET Signal Processing |
37 | IET Smart Cities |
38 | IET Smart Grid |
39 | IET Software |
40 | IET Systems Biology |
41 | IET Wireless Sensor Systems |
42 | Micro & Nano Letters |
43 | The Journal of Engineering |
by 洪翠锚