Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963 (麦克米伦内阁文件,1957-1963)提供了获取麦克米伦执政期间最高政府文档的直接途径。内容包涵了柏林危机(1958-1961),古巴导弹危机(1962),英联邦移民法令(1962)和普罗富莫丑闻(1963.06)等。整个资料库包涵了由CAB128、CAB129和PREM11、CAB124中选取的30,000 幅原始文档图像,是研究世界史及英国政治的重要资源之一。
Macmillan Cabinet Papers,1957-1963, Online 提供了获取麦克米兰执政期间最高政府文档的直接途径。内容包涵了柏林危机(1958-1961),古巴导弹危机(1962),英联邦移民法令(1962)和普罗富莫丑闻(1963.06)等。整个资料库包涵了由CAB128、CAB129和PREM11、CAB124中选取的30,000 幅原始文档图像,是研究世界史及英国政治的重要资源之一。
Macmillan Online的详细内容包括:
The aftermath of Suez and a new Middle East policy, 1957-1963
The foundation of the EEC by the Treaty of Rome, 1957
The 1957 Defence White Paper, a landmark in British defence policy
The first British Hydrogen Bomb Test, 1957, and the decision to site Thor missiles in the UK
The Wolfenden Report on Homosexuality and Prostitution, 1957
The Declaration of Common Purpose, October 1957, providing a unified world outlook for the UK, USA and Canada
West Indian Independence, 1958
The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1961, including the building of the Berlin Wall
Macmillan's visit to Moscow, 1959, and his exchanges with Khrushchev
The Antarctica Treaty of 1959
The political and military situation in Laos and South East Asia, 1959-1963
Independence for Cyprus and Malta, 1959-1963
The launch of Britain's first nuclear submarine
The establishment of EFTA by the Stockholm Convention, 1960
The ‘Wind of Change’ Speech, February 1960
Independence for Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi
and Zanzibar
The Sharpeville Massacre, March 1960, and apartheid in South Africa
Macmillan's Washington visit in March 1960, which confirmed that Britain would have
an independent nuclear deterrent in the form of Skybolt or Polaris
South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth, 1961
The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962
The Commonwealth Immigration Act, 1962
The Nassau Agreement of December 1962, and Macmillan's relations with President Kennedy
The uprising in Brunei, 1962
The Pilkington Report on Broadcasting, 1962
De Gaulle's veto of Britain's application to join the EEC, January 1963
The foundation of the Organisation of African Unity, 1963
The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 1963
The Profumo Scandal, June 1963
其中包含与许多重要人物的通信及讨论记录。Macmillan Cabinet Papers,1957-1963,Online的核心部分是全部的内阁决议、备忘录包括最新发布的信息,涵盖了所有其他政府部门的工作精华,内容涉及从农业政策与贸易,到核政策与国际外交等。同时提供165个(超过16,000页)来自首相私人办公室的文档,这些资料对于所有的内阁文档是一个重要的补充,同时也涵盖了决策制定的各个方面,具有十分重要的研究价值。