Medieval Travel Writing(中世纪游记)中的文献资料源自大英图书馆等数十家全球主要图书馆与档案馆,时间跨越13-16世纪。提供了中世纪游记研究十分广泛的原始手稿收藏,主要包括旅行家们到圣地、印度与中国的内容,涉及中世纪欧洲人们的态度与预想,种族问题,经济,贸易和军国主义等。收录有交互式地图显示旅行家们的旅行路线以及由著名学者撰写的引导论文等。
Period Covered
- The Middle Ages
Featured people include ambassadors, missionaries, merchants, fantasists and literary creations, including:
- Prester John
- John of Plano Carpini
- Ascelin
- William of Rubruck
- Marco Polo
- Ricoldo de Montecroce
- Jordanus of Severac
- Haiton of Armenia
- Oderic of Pordenone
- Sir John Mandeville
- Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo
- Hans (Johann) Schiltberger
- Johannes Witte de Hesse
- John Capgrave
Material Types
- Original manuscripts from over 25 libraries around the world.
- Hundreds of colour illustrations and maps.
- Detailed metadata on all the original manuscripts and fully searchable transcriptions of the
supporting literature.
- The Travellers and their Accounts
- Travel and Pilgrimage
- Medieval Travel, Mapping and Geographical Concepts
- Medieval Travel Writing and Accounts of the Far East