The American West (美国西部)资料来源于芝加哥历史最悠久的图书馆之一纽贝瑞图书馆(Newberry Library)关于美国西部的Everett D. Graff收藏。美国西部故事对于当代世界影响深远,它也影响着美国国内人们的流行观念并且渗入文艺与电影文化。这一收藏向学者们提供了原始手稿、地图与珍稀印刷品等,时间覆盖18世纪早期至20世纪中期。适合于美国西部历史,南部历史,西北太平洋地区,西部文学,电影与文化的研究等。
Period Covered
- Early 18th to Mid-20th Century
- Papers of early pioneers and explorers, including the original manuscript journal and papers of James Audubon
- Documents relating to Canada and the Pacific Northwest including accounts of the Gold Rush and of the landscape
- Materials such as prospectuses and city directories that chart the evolution of towns and cities
- Maps and records of key companies, enabling the exploration of the growth of railway and road networks
- Emigrants guides, manuscript travel journals, store catalogues, and maps evincing the phenomenon of Westward expansion
- Accounts of ranches and of the prairie lands, documenting agricultural transformation
- Rich resources for the study of Texas, Mexico and the South
- Literary and historical works as well as contemporary newspapers and posters - for a better understanding of the real and mythic West, with first-hand accounts of the lives of vigilantes and outlaws
Source Archive
- The Newberry Library, Chicago
Material Types
- Original manuscripts
- Ephemeral material (trade cards, wanted posters, photos, claim certificates, news-sheets etc.)
- Maps
- Rare printed works
Editorial Board
- Carl Abbott, Portland State University
- Ned Blackhawk, Yale University
- Kathy Brosnan, University of Houston
- Richard Slatta, North Carolina State University
- Agricultural Development, Landscape and the Environment
- Borderlands
- Cattle Ranchers, Grazing and Trails
- Homesteaders, Overland Travel and Early Settlements
- Mining and the Gold Rush
- Native Americans
- Outlaws, Vigilantes and the Law
- Pioneers, Hunters and Explorers
- The Imagined West
- Mormons and Missionaries
- Railroads, Transportation and Urban History
- Military Encounters